Montag, 31. Mai 2010

NEW-The Power of Conversational Hypnosis!

My Spezial Hypnosis Tipp for English People

Hot News:

The power of conversational hypnosis

Hi Hypnosis Fans

I've got some hot news for you today...

Unless you've been living under a rock you'll
know that the power of NLP and Hypnosis
have radically changed peoples lives...

NLP is pretty easy to learn BUT mastering
everyday conversational hypnosis has always
been a serious problem.

Do you know that the undisputed master
of hypnosis (and the source of a surprising
number of patterns in NLP as well) was
Dr. Milton H. Erickson?

The thing is very few people have ever
been able to master hypnosis like Erickson,
let alone be able to successfully teach it
to others.

Especially conversational hypnosis.

That is FINALLY about to change with the
brand new release of "The Power Of
Conversational Hypnosis".

It's by maverick hypnotist Igor Ledochowski,
the author of the "Deep Trance Training Manual"
and a world renowned Hypnotherapist trainer.

It's the most ADVANCED course ANYWHERE on
conversational hypnosis.

In fact here's what hypnotic marketer, certified
hypnotherapist and star of the NLP inspired hit
film "The Secret" says about it...

"I didn't believe this material would be
that good, but it turns out to be a breathtaking
course on using hypnosis in everyday conversation.

"I've never seen or heard anything this
complete, powerful, or convincing.

"I love it."

Dr. Joe Vitale -

One of the reasons Dr. Joe Vitale loves this
course is because he discovered secrets like...

* The entire Conversational Hypnosis Protocol, Igor's
most closely held and powerful teachings.

* The powerful "hypnotic triple" command that SWAT
teams use to force compliance...even in a
fire-fight with hardened criminals.

* How an instant rapport technique will get even total
strangers to open up to you...reveal their inner
longings...and give you all the clues you
need to persuade them to do as you say.

* The conversational way to get a sales prospect to
imagine the intense feelings of owning what you
are selling, so they naturally feel compelled
to buy right now!

In fact you can help them intensify the feelings
so strongly that all objections simply melt away.

* The easiest way to join the elite group of "hypnotic
persuasion experts" by using their secret patterns
for influence...(it's easier than you think)

* Create an instant trigger to unleash your targets
deepest desires...and how to point them in your
direction...(Igor's innovative techniques are
more refined and more powerful than any other)

* A simple trick that creates amnesia for any objection
your target may have to your suggestion...they simply
forget to remember what it was that might have
stopped them from following your suggestions.

* What it means when your target "talks with their hands"
and how to use their gestures to literally get
inside their head.

* How to know if a target is "talking to themselves"
with internal dialogue...and how to join that dialogue
so your voice seems like it comes from inside
their own mind!

And that's BARELY scratching the surface...

And what's even better for you it's being
released for a limited time as a digital
course so you'll be able to access it

* It comes with 16 Full CDs (as MP3s)
* The Full Transcripts + Manual (620+ Pages)
* The How To Master Conversational Hypnosis Cheat Sheets
* The How To Destroy Resistance With Stories Cheat Sheets

The site is live right now and the full
digital version is available for over
3 times LESS than the physical version!

And because it's just been released it's
specially discounted.

Please understand this extra discount
could be pulled at anytime.

So do check it out now, while you can, I
promise you won't be disappointed.

Yes...I will check it out !

That's all the hypnosis news for today,

Anke P.

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Kredite auch für Selbstständige-Rentner und Hausfrauen!